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平台经济,是指(互联网)平台推动的经济和 社会 活动。此类平台通常是在线中介或其技术框架。到目前为止,最常见的类型是“交易平台”,也称为“数字中介”。交易平台的示例包括亚马逊,爱彼迎,优步和 。第二种类型是“创新平台”,它提供了其他人可以在其上构建的通用技术框架,例如在微软平台上工作的许多独立开发人员。

在整个 历史 中都可以找到当代数字经济平台的先驱,尤其是在20世纪下半叶。但是,直到2000年,“平台”的说法才开始被广泛用于描述数字中介和创新平台。特别是在2008年金融危机之后,采用新的“平台商业模式”运营的公司,迅速控制了全球整体经济活动中越来越大的份额,有时甚至破坏了传统业务。例如,由于平台公司的竞争而导致的黑莓和诺基亚的下滑,由于奈菲平台的竞争,而导致的音像店倒闭,或者由于亚马逊和其他在线零售商的竞争,而使部分实体零售商关闭。 2013年,平台专家马歇尔观察到,全球排名前五的公司中有三家使用了平台业务模型。但是,传统业务并不一定总是受到平台的损害。他们甚至可以通过创建自己的平台或使用现有的第三方平台来受益。埃森哲2016年的一项调查显示,“ 81%的高管表示,基于平台的商业模式将在三年内,成为其增长战略的核心。”在2000年,只有少数大型公司可以被称为平台公司。截至2016年,有170多家平台公司的市值达到或超过10亿美元。在政府和非政府组织部门中,数字平台的创建和使用也在增加。

The platform economy is economic and social activity facilitated by platforms. Such platforms are typically online matchmakers or technology frameworks. By far the most common type are "transaction platforms", also known as "digital matchmakers". Examples of transaction platforms include Amazon, Airbnb, Uber, and Baidu. A second type is the "innovation platform", which provides a common technology framework upon which others can build, such as the many independent developers who work on Microsoft's platform.

Forerunners to contemporary digital economic platforms can be found throughout history, especially in the second half of the 20th century. Yet it was only in the year 2000 that the "platform" metaphor started to be widely used to describe digital matchmakers and innovation platforms. Especially after the financial crises of 2008, companies operating with the new "platform business model" have swiftly come to control an increasing share of the world's overall economic activity, sometimes by disrupting traditional business. Examples include the decline of BlackBerry and Nokia due to competition from platform companies, the closing down of Blockbuster due to competition from the Netflix platform, or the many other brick and mortar retailers that have closed in part due to competition from Amazon and other online retailers. In 2013, platform expert Marshall Van Alstyne observed that three of the top five companies in the world used the platform business model. However, traditional businesses need not always be harmed by platforms; they can even benefit by creating their own or making use of existing third-party platforms. According to a 2016 survey by Accenture "81% of executives say platform-based business models will be core to their growth strategy within three years." In the year 2000 there were only a handful of large firms that could be described as platform companies. As of 2016, there were over 170 platform companies valued at US$1 billion or more. The creation and usage of digital platforms is also increasing in the government and NGO sectors.





平台经济(英文:Platform Economics)是一种基于数字技术,由数据驱动、平台支撑、网络协同的经济活动单元所构成的新经济系统,是基于数字平台的各种经济关系的总称 。

平台,在本质上就是市场的具化。根据徐晋博士的观点,市场从看不见的手,变成了有利益诉求的手 。







